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Team members increase their awareness of existing dynamics in the group, identify their values and beliefs as a team and get to an effective and successful team collaboration.

What is Team Coaching

Team coaching is a multistep process aiming at unlocking the team potential to optimize the team performance. It helps teams identify and address their challenges and obstacles, transform team dynamics, and optimize team actions.

The team coaching process is customized to deal with specific team needs, giving time to achieve a real change and obtain lasting tangible results.

Each team member takes ownership of delineating one’s own and team vision, actions to undertake and commits to work for a common goal.

The objective is to bring awareness about the effects of individual behavioural patterns and the behavioural patterns of the whole team on teams performance, with the goal to improve its productivity and internal functioning.

In team coaching the ‘coachee’ is, from a systemic point of view, the whole team:


•  work goals are set collectively

•  team values and norms are explored collectively

•  the team climate is assessed by all team members

•  processes of understanding obstacles and deciding on the steps to be taken are brought out collectively

Value and Impact of Team Coaching

Team members are aware of :


•  common goals

•  one’s own role in the pursuit of a common goal

•  the expectations of others towards one’s own          accomplishment

•  team internal rules and norms

•  team values

•  teams strengths and weaknesses

•  teams dysfunctional approaches

The team performance is improved thanks to:


smart use of single member commitment

greater team cohesion

higher identification of individuals within the team

better and more efficient communication within the team high team engagement higher commitment in the pursuit of a common goal.

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Delivery Process of Team Coaching



Kick off


Team Coaching



Team members compile an anonymous online survey aiming at

the assessment

of perceptions regarding the effectiveness and functionality of the team.

During the first kick off meeting, the coach introduces him/herself, demonstrates Team Coaching methodology and the results of the Team Assessment. Facilitated by a coach, the team identifies goals to pursue during the process of Team Coaching

The team agrees targeted actions necessary for goals pursuit. Different interventions help to create greater awareness on the role of a single team member in the teamwork and to accept one’s responsibility towards the team performance.

The verification of the obtained results is an interactive process that starts already in the previous phase. When the activities are closed, the coach assesses together with the team the results obtained during the coaching process.

•  Off- Line, 20 min

•  Every team member

•  3 week before kickoff

Delivery Process of Team Coaching

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•  How

•  Who

•  When


•  Off- Line, 20 min

•  Every team member

•  3 week before kickoff

•  In presence, 3 h

•  Team  &Team Lead

•  Week 1 / 4/  7/ 10/        13/ 16

•  In presence, 2-3 h

•  Team & Team Lead

•  Week 20


•  In presence, 2-3 h

•  Team & Team Lead

•  Week 0

Duration overall Team Coaching Journey: about 4-6 months


Via San Giovanni sul Muro 3

20121 Milano

Tel: +39 02 365 23536


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© 2023 by Coach People.

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